Kent Institute of Medicine & Surgery
Purpose built facility in the South East of England
The Kent Institute of Medicine & Surgery is a brand new facility in the South East of England. The purpose built facility features five integrated operating theatres and two Endoscopy suites. It also features 72 dedicated inpatient beds, 20 day care beds and 7 ITU and HDU beds. KIMS also has a comprehensive diagnostic and imaging suite inclusive of research grade MRI & CT modalities and a post graduate education and conference centre. When equipping the specialist areas at KIMS Brandon Medical were selected as the preferred supplier for specialist medical equipment and operating theatre lighting.
Of the five theatres, two feature Brandon Medical UCV canopies with Media Bridge systems, providing a clean zone of air under which invasive procedures are undertaken. The Media bridge systems provide all necessary services at the edge of the clean zone, along with suspended monitor mountings and carriers systems for the surgical equipment. Carriers can be positioned at any point around the Media Bridge systems and provide total flexibility in the operating field.

Brandon Medical Atlas Pendant Systems are provided to surgical and anaesthetic positions in the remaining three theatres with a large range of movement and fully adjustable mounting solutions for the laparoscopic equipment. The Atlas Pendant systems provide an adaptable functional platform from which surgical procedures can be supported, all the medical gases, electrical and data requirements are presented in the multifaceted service head. Its unique shape ensures services are always accessible irrespective of the amount of equipment placed on the pendant.
Surgical Lighting systems are from Brandon Medicals Quasar and Galaxy HD LED ranges and incorporate on board High Definition (HD) cameras. In the UCV theatres a Galaxy HD LED system has been provided to minimise the disruption to airflow whilst still providing large beams of high quality lighting. Non UCV theatres have been installed with the Quasar range of products which provides large even beams of light.
Brandon Medical also developed, with KIMS, a unique mounting arrangement for monitors in the NON UCV theatres, the four-point mounting allows the surgical staff to position the lights and monitors at all points around the theatre table. Monitors can be moved independently of each other to any position required whilst avoiding any restriction on the positioning of the theatre lighting; retaining full 360 degree rotation. All of the mountings for the operating light and monitors are supported on a single point fixing to the building structure, negating the need for sometimes complex ceiling space planning.